In during the developed modern life that we live now, the stresses increase for us , so we find walking sport became a modern sport that is practiced by any person from different levels and ages because it plays a big role in organizing brains functions and whole bodies parts, it also shared in producing a chemical material in the brain that raises the soul, we find this kind of sport has a relation with a touristic kind nearly rarely in Egypt while it is spreading in many European countries.
The tour is a popular and common tourism in many countries especially the European, it is a tourism for getting out of cities and their noise and living a period of time with nature and quietude. This gives the man a chance to be alone or with his nearest persons, living in a simple and nomadic life most of time.
This tourism has its lovers especially in the last period because it is the best way to less the weight and developing muscles. Some people who complain the over. Weight went in those trips and come back in a good form and body. Those made this sport their favorite ones. Tour tourism is common in many countries and you can know more about it by the internet. It is five kinds different from the difficulty and danger. The first one is an easy tour and everyone can share in it because it is considered walking in plain areas or between farms for maximum 7 hours a day. The second one is more tiring because the times of walk get to 10 hours with some hills which we must climb. This kind needs some healthy fit. Many people can share in if they are able to walk.
The fifth kind is the most dangerous and has more adventures which needs more health and fitness because you should pass the high rivers and sometimes you need to swim and need to pass some high mountains or cross narrow and frightening places so taking place in such these journeys must be with a team with a guide.
This tourism is the cheapest kind and the most exciting mental and psychological .it depends on the personal effort. It may take several days or may take a day, but the big entertainment is in long tour and long time. It doesn't cost much money expect your luggage if you have a company or guide.